If you cooperate with other people and wish to grant them access to Boldem features, you can invite them to join your Boldem account. The process is as follows:
- Log into your Boldem account.
- In the left-hand menu, click Settings and select Users. A list of existing users is displayed.
- Click Invite user. A dialog box appears to enter the new user details.
- Enter the email address and choose the account type from the Access rights drop-down menu. This selection is for your reference only.

- Confirm your choice by clicking Invite.
An invitation will be sent to the provided email address. The user must follow these steps to accept the invitation:
- Log into your email inbox, open the invitation email (usually with the System invitation subject), and click the Accept invitation link.
- A dialog will appear to create a new password for the account.

- The user enters a password and confirms their choice by clicking Set password.
- A login dialog appears, where the user enters their email address and a newly created password.
Troubleshooting invitation issues
If you have invited a new user to your Boldem account and they have not received an email shortly after the invitation, please review the following potential causes of delays and the tips for resolving them:
- Email address contains errors: please check that you have entered the correct address when sending the invitation.
- Your invitation email was flagged by spam filters: Ask the recipient to check both their inbox and spam folder for the invitation. If it is not located in either place, there is a chance it was blocked at the server level. Although this is uncommon, if it happens, you might want to resend the invitation to an alternative email address, or recommend that the recipient contact their email server administrator.
- Email is still in transit: In some cases, due to internet traffic and the recipient’s internet service provider, it might take several hours for the invitation email to reach the recipient.
- Email was blocked by corporate firewall: email servers, particularly those of larger companies, may employ firewalls to block specific emails for security reasons. If this happens, we recommend advising the recipient to consult with their company’s network administrator to check if the blocked email queue can be reviewed. Alternatively, consider sending the invitation to an alternate email address.